The Quality Mountain Products: challenge and opportunity

Investigador Proponente:
Andrey Romanenko

Equipa de investigação:
 Andrey Romanenko, Alberto Teixeira e Ana Nunes

Indicação de facilitador:
Andrey Romanenko, Alberto Teixeira e Ana Nunes

 Descrição do desafio:

The competitiveness of mountainous area supply chains is weakened due to high production costs and low labor productivity. Developing good marketing strategies and showing the added value of mountain products to consumers could result in increased prices and consumer acceptance, thus helping to overcome the high costs they face.
What forms and types of business models can create added value to Mountain Food Products and for the Brand Mountain Food Products.
Purpose: Create a business model that can create added value to Mountain Food Products and to the Brand Mountain Food Products.
Identify mountain food products and the characteristics of these products; identify potential markets (e.g: niche market, health market) and final consumers inside Portugal and in other countries (e.g: Nordic countries); strategic Partnerships/stakeholders (cooperators, competitors and partner entities); key features (infrastructure, resources and products/services); Strategies of marketing and communication; key activities; cost structure (what are the cost for the business), financial resources and revenues.