Innovation Training

Innovation training  in the context of higher education is characterized by intentional action aimed at improving student learning in a sustainable way. Social and technological evolution requires constant adaptation of the teacher, to whom students, employers and himself successively present new challenges. The answer to all these challenges requires a broad portfolio of tools, which we intend to aggregate in this space. Get to know the operational model of 10% UP TO YOU in which everyone is invited to add new tools, describe their experiences and improve the description here. Contact us


The entrepreneurship module takes place in the form of seminars and workshops, where fundamental steps for the creation of a company are approached, such as: Processes of innovation and business creation; The processes and mechanisms of protection for research results; Business strategies in technology and information systems; The legal process of trademarks and patents; Mechanisms of business financing; Business plan design.

More info: Jorge Humberto  – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Career Development Plan

Career Development Plan aims to create opportunities for students to get to know the job market; identify and develop soft skills for employability; apply networking tools; implement active job search strategies; participate in a recruitment process.
The classes serve as a workshop, specialist sessions, seminars and active methodologies such as Learn by Doing and Team-based problem solving.

More info: João Paulo Pereira – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Extracurricular Internship

Extracurricular internship is a technical internship in the study area of the course of each student. Students are integrated in a company or institution, developing activities of a technical-scientific nature, in their training area, mentored by a skilled professional of the host institution.

More info: Vera Ferro Lebres –

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Scientific Initiation Internship

The Scientific Initiation Internship aims to provide students with the first contact with research activities through its integration in ongoing projects at IPB research units. Allowing students to develop scientific thinking and creativity while learning research techniques and methods. 

More info: Equipa EIC-IBD –

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Demola Project

Demola project develops and promotes multidisciplinary projects based in real challenges or community problems (companies and institutions) where innovation and a wide range of skills are required. Students are involved in teamwork, in multidisciplinary, multinational, multicultural and co-creation environments.

More info:  Inês Barbedo – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Challenge-Based Innovation

Real challenges coming from IPB structures or external partners are presented to teams of students, who, over a semester performing teamwork, will develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills to implement a work plan. At the end of this module students will be encouraged to reveal their communication skills, presenting in a clear, reasoned and sustainable way the ideas and solutions developed.

More info: Equipa EIC-IBD – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester |Apply Here

Healthy Aging

Healthy aging is addressed here as a transdisciplinary societal challenge for the whole IPB. Each school will host a series of workshops, with a conceptual and applied component, in a real context whenever possible, allowing students to have a real perception of the whole scope of this topic.

More info: Hélder Fernandes – 

6 ECTS | 2nd semester | Apply Here

Emotional Education

In life, we experience situations of emotional stress, which trigger emotions and “negative” feelings, promoters of personal and professional malaise: inner disturbances – unspeakable and ruminative – promoting dissatisfaction, self-denial, require intervention. Emotional Education, acting in health promotion, presents specific knowledge and techniques, which enable the trainee to develop his Emotional Competence, to promote his emotional well-being, essential to health in general.

More info: Maria Augusta Branco – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Study Graça Morais

Graça Morais has a widely recognized and disseminated artistic work, which has won numerous awards and distinctions over the years.

From Trás-os-Montes, she frequently returns to Bragança, where she seeks inspiration and finds the Graça Morais Contemporary Art Centre, the Graça Morais Mountain Arts Laboratory, and several pieces of work from her authorship, displayed in reference buildings of the city.

Bragança is the ideal context to study and find inspiration in the work and life of Graça Morais.

More info:  António Meireles – 

 6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here


In a studio environment, typical from the creative industries, projects are developed in partnership with the community (companies and institutions). It’s a context of collaborative and creative work, which stimulates technical skills and problem solving, communication and self-management. The main areas of expertise are game design, arts, computer science and project management applied to a wide range of themes.

More info: Bárbara Barroso – bbarroso@ipb.ot 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Animated Documentary

This extracurricular unit allows students to develop animated documentaries, focusing on themes related to mountain territories and their identities, through collaborative creative processes. During its course, students will have the opportunity to deepen practical and theoretical knowledge, related to the development of animation projects, as well as to approach theoretical, technical, methodological and aesthetic foundations of the elaboration of animated documentaries. The curricular unit fits in the guideline of the activities of the Mountain Arts Laboratory-Graça Morais, in which it is expected the development of innovative curricular programs in which students immerse themselves in research practices in artistic context.

More info: Ana Lúcia Pinto  – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Circular Economy

The Curricular Unit of Circular Economy allows students to acquire a training based on practical learning, inserted in an international and multidisciplinary networking environment. This course aims to promote collaborative work with business, entrepreneurship and the development of new business models. Throughout the course, the student will learn to: identify the main concepts and mechanisms associated with the circular economy; and define strategies through tools such as creativity ignition, idea generation and adaptation to change. The teaching/learning process includes participation in the MOOC Circular Economy of the Circular Labs project, as well as in the event called “Circular Economy Week” and the development of complementary activities.

More info: Artur Gonçalves – 

6 ECTS | 1st  and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Monitoring and Quantification of Animal Populations

Fauna is a resource with multiple values that, more than ever, requires attention and care, given the challenges that the environment and societies represent. This opens up the possibility to deepen knowledge oriented to the monitoring and management of hunting/fishing and fauna in general, with sustainability criteria.

More info: Paulo Cortez – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here


We live in the age of digitization, in which data drives almost all human activity. In this course unit, multidisciplinary teams of students will work on real challenges in the field of data science and modelling. The aim is to involve students in the complex and fascinating world of Data Science through an innovative teamwork methodology, inspired by Design Thinking.

More info: João Paulo Almeida – 

6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

Volunteering (internship)

Volunteering is described as being the exercise of a free activity in which someone offers part of his or her time to an organization or an individual with whom they have no ties.

More info: Anabela Martins – 

3 or 6 ECTS | 1st and 2nd semester | Apply Here

SAP ABAP Application Development

Extra-curricular unit taught by employees of the company ROFF/Inetum, especially oriented to students of the undergraduate courses of Computer Engineering and Management Informatics, and of the master’s degree in Informatics. Places are limited and the application to attend is announced on the ESTIG website and on the e-learning platform (

In the scope of this extra-curricular unit, students learn the basics of SAP ABAP development technology, also having the opportunity to access, through the SAP University Alliances program, the resources available on the SAP Learning Hub platform and the SAP certification exams.

More info: José Rufino – 

6 ECTS | 1nd semester |  Apply Here

OutSystems Application Development

Extra-curricular unit taught by employees of the company ROFF/Inetum, especially oriented to students of the undergraduate programs of Computer Engineering and Management Informatics, and the master’s in Informatics. Places are limited and the application to attend is announced on the ESTIG website and on the e-learning platform (   

In this extra-curricular unit, with predominantly project-oriented teaching, students learn the basics of OutSystems low-code technology, also having the opportunity to obtain, for free, certifications of high recognition in the labor market.

More info: José Rufino – 

6 ECTS | 1nd semester | Apply He1

AWS Cloud Computing Fundamentals

Extra-curricular unit taught by employees of the company Eurotux, specially oriented to students of the undergraduate courses of Computer Engineering and of the master’s degree in Informatics. Places are limited, and the application to attend is announced on the ESTIG website and on the e-learning platform (

This unit follows on from IPB joining the AWS Academy program and combines the contents of the initial training “AWS Academy Cloud Foundations” with DevOps topics, being therefore oriented to students with a special vocation for the area of systems and network administration. It grants free access to the “AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner” certification exam.

More info: José Rufino – 

6 ECTS | 2nd semester | Apply Here